Forum Information

Our mission is to develop a forum community that empowers Alberta municipal OHS & HR professionals to grow their networks, spark discussion, and support the sharing of resources, knowledge, and experience. The forum is a natural evolution of the Safety Advisor Email List, with the added benefits of search features, post history, content categorization, moderation, and customizable notification settings.

Visit our forums on the web or download the Discourse App: iOS, Android - for help with setting up your app, click here.

AMHSA Discussion Forums

User Guide (updated May 4, 2023)

Terms of Service

For more information, comments, or concerns, please contact us ([email protected]).


Forum membership is restricted to individuals who are employed as Safety Advisors, Auditors, Disability Managers, Human Resource professionals (or equivalent) for Alberta municipalities or other member organizations. To become a member of a forum, individuals must provide their contact information (including name, email, organization, job title) to AMHSA and must read and accept the forum guidelines, rules, privacy policy, and the platform’s terms of use.

Membership is opt-in and members may opt-out of the forum at any time. Members may also request that any and all content created, posted, or otherwise owned by the user is removed from the forum. Any request for removal will be completed within 10 business days.

Users are approved at AMHSA’s discretion and may be removed from the forums at AMHSA’s discretion for such reasons as failure to adhere to forum guidelines, rules, privacy, and the platform’s terms of use.